About Us?


Syarah Plus Company for selling new and used cars, cash and installments at the lowest price, suitable for all members of the community. We offer you multiple options that suit the general tastes from various industries and brands, and facilitate direct communication and sales without an intermediary. Out of our desire and keenness to gain customer satisfaction, we have adopted the highest standards of quality and excellence in providing services to earn your trust, God willing.

Our Message

We strive to create added value in car sales and to be the first destination for customers. We also seek to build trust with them and provide the best services in a new, modern, and advanced way with the aim of enabling the customer to reach their dream car, relying on a seasoned team whose primary mission is to provide everything necessary to serve our customers.

Our Goals

To elevate our offered services and build continuous trust with customers according to the best global standards, and to present a Saudi example of success and progress in the field to meet the aspirations and vision of 2030 adopted by our beloved Kingdom.